Friday, March 13, 2009

Judge Alex Show Called Again

A couple weeks ago I had a call from a producer at the Judge Alex show. They had seen the lawsuit I filed against the pit bull dog owners for the attack on Porch Boy. Never heard back from the show, so I just assumed that the defendants refused to participate or never talked to them.

I did see the man last Friday when he pulled up into his driveway and asked if he got a call from the Judge Alex show. He said that there was a message on their voice mail, but they hadn't responded. I told him it would be a good idea to do so, since the show would pay for the damages done to my dog if I were to win. If I lost, then they wouldn't be out anything either. So win or lose, it was a good deal. He said he'd talk to his wife about it. He wasn't mean, but far from friendly. Civil is what I'd call the interaction.

Well, today I got a call again from the Judge Alex show. This woman said it was an assistant that had handled the original call to me, and she was going to follow up on what occurred because she thought it was a very interesting case. She said that they would be filming again in a couple weeks, but she would call back and let me know today what happened to the first attempt to get our case aired.

Not holding my breath, but it's good to know that there's at least another possibility that this could all be resolved before I have to go through the JP court. I did get the 3rd certified letter returned to me yesterday. Once again, they left the letter "unclaimed" - this letter was to advise them of the trial data. I have a message into the JP court to find out if the trial will still be held on 4/28/09 since I can't seem to get them to pick up anything in writing.

I also made an open records request for the officer report from Animal Control in response to my initial complaint against the dog and its owners. I also have requested any documentation about them asking Animal Control to pick up the pit bull and euthanize it the day before Thanksgiving.

Justice for Porch Boy? Sure hope so!


Denise Bynum said...

It's been a month now. Did the producer ever get back to you? What's the status?

Dr. Root said...

Idiots never returned the producer's call I suppose. Oh well, the court date is still set for April 28th and although they probably won't even show up I'll feel some justice has been done when the judge finds in my favor!