Sunday, March 1, 2009

Going Home

Well, I was using Gina's camera when Mom & I visited the hospital to see Kaden. The photos came out great - I will post several of them - but I didn't know I couldn't flip the camera for the movie without it correcting to show properly. You'll see what I mean...just tilt your head at a 90 degree angle and enjoy.


Denise Bynum said...

Reminds me of the old "canted" camera angles they always used on Twilight Zone for scary segments. But happier! I assume that's Kaden being wheeled back to his room in the bassinet.
Thanks for this.

Dr. Root said...

No, actually Kaden is being wheeled away from his room in his mother's arms. They are in a wheelchair and on their way to the car where Jonathan awaits them to take them home. Hence the appropriate theme song, "Going Home" being sung by yours truly.