Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jeree & Glenn - Gina's "Hippie" Friends

Sorry it's taken so long for me to get this posting done. The day we came back from the 4th of July weekend I got sick with whatever flu it was that my brother-in-law had. Took me nearly 2 weeks to get over it completely, then I had surgery to remove an ingrown toenail. OUCH! Still waiting for the pain to subside on that.

But we did have a very interesting trip home from our Root Get-Together Weekend by dropping by to see Gina's friends, Glenn & Jeree Oldham. They live, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere. They bought several acres of this nowhere-land and are slowly, but surely, transforming it.

I'll post more photos soon of what all they have done so far. But in this post I just wanted to show their truly rural lifestyle. Glenn & Jeree share this trailer...

While their teenage son, Ian, lives in this one just a few yards away.

Here's Mom, carrying around the flowers that Jessica gave her so they wouldn't die in the car while we took the grand tour, Gina, and the Oldhams right outside their "Gazebo of Junk".

The next posting will have more photos of this artistic endeavor.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Videos from 4th of July

4th of July in Canyon Lake

I took a whole lot of photos but only a few came out decently enough to share :-(

Good one of Shari rockin' on the front porch.

Mom proudly displaying the flowers that Jessica brought her to celebrate what would have been her 62nd wedding anniversary.

Mom telling me to put down the camera and come play!

Denise and Typhoid JD

Denise doing her hostess thing - cooking for all of us despite coming down with the crud herself.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

More Videos of Kaden

Because, honestly...can anyone have too many videos of this adorable child? Of course not!

And a little kiss bye-bye from Tater!

Kaden & Cristian Have a Play Date!

Cristian, son of our neighbors Julie & Joel, was born one week after Kaden. So we decided to let them have a play date. At first, no one seemed very clear about the concept...

Being coached to put the kids down and let them play had its drawbacks since Cristian seemed totally disinterested and Kaden didn't seem to know what to make of this little fellow that was about his size...

Kaden continued to be mesmerized by Cristian although he was clearly playing it cool.

Jonathan tried out some cool thing that Cristian had that I didn't understand at all. I think they called it a belly flopper or something like that.

Next thing you knew Kaden was flying high in the air like Superman!

So, of course, Cristian had to show off his special trick of standing up all by himself!

We might need to wait until the boys are a little bit older to really get them to play. But these videos do show some promise!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Back from Pampa

Alena, Jonathan, & Kaden dropped by after they had finished with the movers. We had pizza, which Jonathan seemed to like very much!

Alena looked over the info from our Water District to give me her expert opinion on the quality, or lack thereof, of the water delivered to our homes.

And, of course, we all loved getting to see Kaden again! And he seemed to really like seeing me!

But he didn't seem as thrilled with Mom and Gina - or at least, not in these photos...

Yep, it was just those photos. See how happy he is to see them in these shots?