Friday, December 4, 2009


I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen it snow in my hometown. So this is definitely a blogworthy event. Here's some videos of me trying to get the dogs to brave the blizzard.

First was the challenge of getting them to come outside at all...

Once they heard the neighbor's dog yapping, they came on out. But weren't sure what to make of it all.

Then GG wanted to come out and play.


Anonymous said...

Y'all got a bunch of pretty snow! We didn't get nearly that much to stick on the ground, but it seems to have ruined most of our tropical plants. I guess we'll have to do a lot of replanting come the spring.


Denise Bynum said...

Poor GG wanted to play too! I hope you got some photos you can use for Xmas cards next time.