Monday, October 26, 2009

Judy's Photos

See photos from Happy Halloweiner 2009
These photos were sent to me by the nice woman who makes all the harnesses for my dogs. You'll see her in the football referee uniform and all of her dogs were dressed up like mascots and cheerleaders from University teams.


Denise Bynum said...

It took a while to see the pix of you and your brood, but I enjoyed the wait. My favorite was the little weiner dog dressed as a hot dog - complete with mustard. I hope he won a prize too.

Dr. Root said...

Yeah, I don't show up until photo number 100! But look at 87 and 95. 87 is Luke Skyweiner, complete with little light saber and he was with a 2 year old little girl who was dressed as Princess Leia, complete with buns over the ears.
In 95 look in the background and you'll see who won overall. Gone with the Wind - it looked just like Carol Burnett's outfit in that famously funny skit. The dog had a little tassle on its head from the curtains as well.
Personally I think Judy and her dogs should have won. She was the football referee with all the dogs dressed as either mascots or cheerleaders from Universities. Clever!