Sunday, May 10, 2009

On Second Thought...

It seems that Star Trek, like love, is lovelier the 2nd time around. Mom & I went to see the movie today at a regular (non-IMAX) screen and I found that much more pleasant. Special effects didn't seem nearly as overwhelming as they had upon first viewing. I enjoyed the show much more this time because it was much easier to follow the plot and I caught a lot of the nuances I had missed in the pre-screening.

I also found that I wasn't watching it to find references to Trek. I just watched it without expectations of Trek and it was much more enjoyable to watch. Wonder what will happen the 3rd time I see it :--)

It was too hot to wear our uniforms to the show, so we opted for Trek t-shirts instead. Hopefully we looked better than we did in this photo Gina took of us. least you do get to see my cool new hat from the IMAX experience.

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