Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cheap Toys from the Cat Show

There were all kinds of toys being sold, as you can well imagine, but we had seen the sheer delight the kittens had in a simple ping pong ball when Kay brought it along with Stamp. It lasted only a few minutes because Gina accidentally stepped on it. But we found a vendor who was painting the balls and putting holes in them to put some sort of little rattle noise maker inside. We bought 12 of her plain stock and brought them home.

First, we gave one to GG, but Tater intercepted it. Then she took the real toy I'd brought for her -- a Koozie.

Then we gave the kittens a crack at them. As you can see, they had already made quite a game out of unrolling the toilet paper all over the floor!

Then Zip decided to change it from Ping Pong to Kick Ball :--)

Here's another shot of the sisal-covered scratching post. Here you can see the platform on top.

And today when Gina got home, all 3 kittens were curled up together asleep on the top of the tree house. By the time I got my camera out, they were wide awake but did pose nicely, huh?


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a happy and handsome family. I can't believe how much they have grown.

Denise Bynum said...

Precious shot! I can't believe they've grown so much. They're not tiny babies any more. You can sure tell they're siblings.