Saturday, March 23, 2013

Plumbing Is In

Dirt from last week got all packed in nice and tight around all the plumbing pipes. I just can't wait until we're living so near big, beautiful trees!
Here's the reverse angle so you can see what we'll see out the front of the house. 

Gina and Porch Boy stand just outside the back porch. What a great view of the forest we'll have!
If we hadn't taken Denise's advice and flipped the floor plan, this is what the porch view would have been. Nice, but the forest is so much further away. Beyond the detention area.



Denise Bynum said...

Did you mean "retention" area rather than "detention"? I hope so.

Looks like they're making good progress! Isn't this exciting? Thanks for the update.

Jeraine said...

No, I meant detention. Retention means it holds water. Detention is a dry big hole in the ground, designed to capture the water during a strong rain. Detentions have pumps in them to force the flood waters into other areas (in this case probably Gum Gully) so that the neighborhood remains high and dry.
Brought to you courtesy of knowledge gained as a MUD Board member for the past 3 years :-)

Denise Bynum said...

Thanks for the explanation. I was thinking of "Detention Hall" in high school, and pictured a holding area for hoodlums in your area. That's very different. Never mind.