Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kittens or Cats? You decide!

Took Stamp in for his final round of vaccines and he weighed in at a whopping 6.14 pounds! That's just a pound shy of Porch Boy and Garage Girl - both over 5 years old - while Stamp is supposedly still a baby at just 4 months! Yep, I've got another Montesquieu on my hands here. The vet said he wouldn't be surprised if he made it to 20 pounds when full grown. Yikes!!!

The twins are still much smaller than Stamp, but they've doubled in size since we got them.

I asked about getting Stamp fixed sooner than the recommended 6 months old because he's not only big, he's maturing very quickly. Check out the family jewels on this boy!

And Code is such a flirt with both her brothers...

So Stamp is scheduled for neutering next month. I'll have Zip & Code fixed later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, what a big boy Stamp is !!! And so well-endowed...what little girl kitty wouldn't be flirting with him? They are all so beautiful and healthy looking.