Zip is a boy & Code is a girl. Dr. May said they were both very healthy and although the fecal flotation test didn't show any worms he de-wormed them anyway. He said it's virtually impossible that they don't have roundworms. Also gave them first round of vaccinations - next ones in a month. They both have earmites and we got meds for that. He also treated both with Revolution for fleas.
They were pretty good until the tech stuck Zip in the butt for the fecal sample. He was furious and let them know it! He told us to go ahead and start feeding them kibble and gave us some Science Diet kitty to get started. He said that we could continue with the KMR and canned for a couple weeks. They should do fine on 3 feedings a day now. He said they were probably 5-6 weeks old and Zip weighs 1.1 pounds while Code is 1.3 pounds. All in all, a glowing report.
Here's what happens during bath time.
Here's what happens during bath time.
And now drying off...
I have to say bathing them in a kitchen sink with a sprayer is MUCH easier on all of you !!! They are adorable and brother Harley is doing fine too...first day to climb a sisal scratching post...his dismount strategy needs a little work though. Have to find a home for this boy!
My first thought was, "How did she get an outfit for a tiny kitten? And how did he keep those tennies on?"
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