Saturday, November 29, 2008
Scary and Funny Walk With the Dogs
The scary thing that happened on the walk this morning happened right as we started. We were walking past our next door neighbor's big trucks in their driveway and on the other side encountered a stray dog. My heart literally skipped a beat! Then it started racing. So even though I was starting to feel more at ease thinking that the Pit Bull no longer will bother us, I can't let my guard down. Fortunately, this was a friendly little mutt who seemed as surprised by the encounter as we were.
The funny thing that happened on the walk was seeing Trip freaking out over some mechanical deer that were put in someone's yard as Xmas decorations. He was barking his fool head off at them. I guess you had to be there...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What am I thankful for? So many things. First, Gina is the very best! I have a fun-loving family who I love and who love me. My dogs and cats bring me unlimited joy and love me unconditionally. I live in a nice house, with good neighbors, and I have a great job with the best boss in the world. People I work with are easy to get along with and the work atmosphere is peaceful and rewarding. I have met other Trekkers, who understand me at a level few do, and have had the privilege of attending a Trek convention in Vegas and on a cruise. I have more "stuff" than I could ever need. Because of the internet I can keep up with old friends who live miles away and make new friends.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Clothes I Wore During the Dog Attack
Photos of P Boy's Hernia Operation
Porch Boy Needed Surgery
Total amount I've now paid Dr. May for P Boy's injuries is $1195 - and the owner of the Pit Bull has not yet signed for delivery of my demand letter for reimbursement of the original emergency treatment. I'm sending another letter, with the hernia follow-up surgery included, today with a delivery confirmation notice rather than certified. That way I can show the court that I tried the certified method first and then followed up with a tracking on delivery showing that they should be aware that demand for payment has been made.
If it goes unanswered, I will file a small claims court lawsuit for the $1195 and include compensation for my medical expenses as well. I have had difficulty sleeping and concentrating at work - two sure signs of depression for me - as well as several flashbacks to the incident which have left me feeling victimized anew. I will also seek compensation for missing a half-day of work yesterday to go see a psychiatrist (who prescribed some anti-depressants she said I should take for at least 6 months - I have a follow-up visit with her scheduled next month) and to take P Boy back to the vet. I've decided $3000 would be a fair amount to compensate for pain & suffering.
I also found out that I can file a "Dangerous Dog" lawsuit asking the court to require the owners to get a $100,000 bond if they continue to keep the dog at their residence. That way he won't have to be put down, and hopefully they will choose to give him to someone who can better restrain him. I don't want him killed - I just want to protect my dogs and other small dogs in our neighborhood from his unprovoked attacks.
I'll take some photos of P Boy's belly and him in his collar to post later tonight.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Legal Remedies
So I did a little research on filing a small claims case. It costs $30 to file the case and $65 to have the defendant served with notice that they are being sued. An additional $5 for each witness that requires a subpeona and there's no guarantee that I'll win. It's very good that I have the witness and I plan to ask the other folks that live near that corner if they saw the attack. I'm also going to take photos of my torn/dirty clothes. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos of my bruises and scrapes, but I'm glad I have those of P Boy's injuries. So I think I have a good case. And I can include damages for pain and suffering (both mine & P Boy's) up to the maximum $10,000 allowed in small claims court. I can only make a claim for money, though. I can't make any ancillary demands (like a written apology for instance, or for requiring them to get rid of the dog).
Even if I do get a judgment in my favor, there's no guarantee that they would actually pay it. I might have to file additional papers to get the judgment attached to their credit report. And they do have the right to appeal to a Civil Court-at-Law where I would have to do the whole trial over again. So this could become a long, protracted affair.
I also discovered that I can file a "Dangerous Dog" case where the JP has the authority to order the dog be euthanized. I will not do that. Although I did threaten to kill the dog myself when I was so angry about the unprovoked attack, I don't want him to be put down. I just want them to put him into an escape-proof kennel since he clearly can't be restrained by the fence alone. Or give him to someone who lives out in the country where he won't be confused by the territorial boundaries of his property line.
Although I personally think of him as a "dangerous dog" I was told by someone who works for a JP that she had never heard of a judge ordering a dog be put down unless it had attacked a human - typically a child. So, like the Animal Control folks said, a dog-on-dog attack is not going to mean more than just a slap on the hand of the owners. And not a very hard slap at that.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Porch Boy Update
I'd say he's about 72% back to normal. The swelling has virtually disappeared from his belly, but now the hernia is quite pronounced. It's about the size of a pea right above where the worst bite mark was near his bladder. I've got an appointment to take him to the vet on Tuesday morning to check it out. Dr. May says that it could resolve without treatment, or need just a stitch or two, or might require surgery.Would appreciate your prayers that he won't have to undergo surgery to repair it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It was a Pit Bull after all!
As I was talking with her, the owner came out into her driveway. So I went over to talk with her. She admitted that the dog had gotten out through a broken picket that they didn't know about. I tried to keep my anger in control, but she never once apologized or offered to compensate my loss. She said that she had resolved things with the poodle's owner and that they had kept the dog under control since - that Saturday morning was the only time he'd ever gotten out. The only other time was after Ike had knocked down the fence between her and the neighbor and that's when he attacked the poodle. She then said that they were going to get rid of the dog. I asked, "When?" and she said, "As soon as my family has resolved their separation issues. We have had the dog for 2 years." I then told her that if I saw the dog again I would kill it, and she said she understood my feelings. My last comment to her was, "I'd appreciate you telling me when you have gotten rid of the dog."
I was so mad! I decided that I need to assert my right to have this dog removed from the community. So I have drafted a letter demanding she reimburse me for Porch Boy's emergency vet care ($842.86) and will send her another vet bill next week when I have to take him back to have the hernia repaired. I also reported it to Harris County Animal Control (we live outside Houston city limits) and was furious that they said that they would not take the dog unless he was unrestrained. If the dog was contained in the back yard, despite the fact that it has already attacked 2 smaller dogs by escaping, then the only recourse was civil legal remedies. They only take a dog into custody if it attacks a human. There are small children that live next door to her and it's only a matter of time before he attacks one of them! All the Animal Control officer will do is go by their house within 24 hours and talk with them about my report if they're home. If not, he will leave a copy of the Harris County Rules & Regulations for restraining animals. Fat lot of good that will do!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Dachshunds Are the New Pit Bulls?
While perusing the internet to learn about the aggression level of boxers, I came across an interesting study that showed dachshunds were the most aggressive breed of all dogs! Particularly toward other dogs. Comments on the story said that it was in their breeding because they originally had to deal with badgers in the wild who were nasty little fighters. Also said that the doxie tenacity is in-bred because badgers would much rather do flight than fight so they had to go into the burrows to drag them out. Apparently takes a lot of bravery to go into a hole behind prey – most dogs won’t do it.
I know that when Tater gets a whiff of an earthworm underground she will NOT be deterred until she’s torn up the grass and eaten it. Good thing we don't have any badgers! I also read that dachshunds are very protective of their family - must be why Tater was willing to attack that much bigger dog when I fell down.
I did sleep better last night - maybe because Porch Boy was back home. This morning we replaced his bandage. The other one was soaked with blood. We thought it best to leave him in the carrier today while we’re at work so Trip doesn’t bother him. He seemed content in it last night. I guess that’s kind of like still being at the vet, but hopefully being in more familiar surroundings will hasten his healing process.
Judy, the nice lady that makes all the harnesses, suggested I put a heating pad set on low under the towel in the carrier when he's in there. Said it would ease his pain. I know he's really hurting. He's so pitiful - just shakes almost continually - so unlike him. And he's extremely anti-social. Again, not the P Boy I know.
Monday, November 17, 2008
P Boy is HOME!
Dr. May said his belly was too swollen to really tell anything about the hernia. Sometimes they apparently repair themselves but he didn't want to do any unnecessary surgery so he wants to check him again in 7-10 days after all the swelling disappears. I asked if I could take him home after work and he said "sure" but his wounds are still bleeding so he sent along some pads and tape like the kind he put on my protection stick. We also need to give him pain meds and something to prevent infections twice a day.
He shook like a leaf all the way home, sitting on my lap. Tater was thrilled to see him and was very gentle in her greeting. Not Trip. He was all "Let's play!" and P Boy wanted no part of that. Mostly he's just wanted to sit on my lap and shake. Trying to get Trip to leave him alone is a near impossibility. At one point P Boy was mad and snapped at him, just as I had put my hand out to push Trip away from my lap. P Boy bit my hand - by mistake - but dang! It hurt!
Gina suggested we put P Boy into the largest of our pet carriers (which is big enough to accommodate all 3 dogs and the cats at the same time!) so that Trip would bug off. We'll leave him in there when we're at work as well - just until he's healed a bit more.
I did take all 3 dogs out for a very brief walk this evening. But not with harnesses since Dr. May said that the harness would probably hurt PB until the swelling dissipates. It's odd walking them with just their collars on. Trip didn't like it at all. I'll definitely harness him.
It's good to have him back home. Hopefully he'll heal quickly. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and well wishes!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My New Protection Stick
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tater Is Heroic - Porch Boy Was Attacked!
I still don't know where this dog came from - usually my dogs see another dog a mile away and start barking. This one just suddenly appeared out of nowhere! We were in the middle of the street, avoiding some auto sprinklers when it happened. I started yelling "NO!" and hitting the dog but he wouldn't let go. He could care less about me - he was totally focused on P Boy. All the knuckles on my right hand were swollen and bruised so I know I was hitting him really hard.
At one point I fell down, tearing my jeans and scraping up my knee and that's when Tater charged the boxer barking in her mean voice. The boxer dropped P Boy and by the time I had picked him up and got back on my feet neither the attack dog nor Tater were anywhere to be seen. Panic ensued. I was yelling TATER at the top of my lungs. Silence. What seemed like 10 minutes but was probably less than a minute later I heard Tater bark and saw that she was standing at the end of our cul-de-sac. The smart girl had run home!
I had the dogs on the double leash and she was dragging P Boy's half along with his harness still attached. The boxer had literally thrown it off him with his head shaking routine. I rushed both dogs back into the house, still holding P Boy in my arms. P Boy usually squeals like a stuck pig when he's hurt, but he remained silent. He must have been in shock. I yelled for Gina and she threw on some clothes and we took Tater & P Boy to the vet. He wasn't supposed to open until 8AM but thankfully he was there and opened the back door when I banged on it.
P Boy had 4 deep puncture wounds - 2 in the belly & 2 in the back - and 2 superficial wounds on the back. Dr. May expertly shaved around the wounds and we could see that he was bleeding badly. After 4 quick shots to the neck (2 pain meds and 2 antibiotics) Porch Boy remembered he was supposed to be squealing, which he did really loudly! Then we all noted that there was blood coming out P Boy's penis. That made Dr. May concerned that he was bleeding internally so he took some X-rays. Nothing showed on the first set - then Dr. May put an IV in his front leg and by that time the clinic had opened so he had to tend his other patients. I stayed with P Boy and Gina took the other 2 dogs home.
I called Mom to tell her that my plans to take us all out of town for the weekend had suddenly changed and arranged to meet up with her & Dad to give them the presents. Gina brought my cell phone back so I could call my sister and DEOGI boarders to let them know of the change in plans as well.
Dr. May put some contrast dye in P Boy's IV to recheck his bladder for tears which would require emergency surgery. Thankfully, it showed his bladder and all other internal organs were still intact. Another vet that was there said we were lucky the dog hadn't bit him just an inch more toward his neck or he would have punctured the lungs which is almost always fatal.
I felt so helpless when that big dog was hurting my baby. If it hadn't been for Tater I'm sure he would have continued until he'd killed P Boy.
After meeting up with Mom & Dad to give them the gifts, we went back to the clinic. P Boy looks so pitiful. He has a hernia near one of the puncture wounds on the belly which will require surgery, but Dr. May wants to give him a few days to heal from the initial trauma. So he plans to do it on Tuesday. Dr. May is so sweet. He gave me his cell phone number and told me I could call him to come see P Boy tomorrow when the clinic is closed & he'd meet me there. I'll be there bright and early tomorrow morning.
When we got home I took an Alleve and a Vicodin. My shoulder was really hurting and I found several more scrapes and bruises on my body. I was really trying my best, but I just had no effect at all on that big bully! Slept for a couple hours and had several flashbacks while sleeping. I may need a therapy session or two. I definitely am going to buy some mace!
I decided that I wasn't going to let the bullies rule the streets, so I took Tater & Trip on a walk at 5PM but I took a big stick with me. If any other dogs suddenly appeared intent to hurt us, I was at least going to have the ability to crack their skulls! I will always keep the stick with me on walks in the future.
Well, it's nearly 11PM and I need to go take another Vicodin to get to sleep. More tomorrow...